Hair fall is the one of the biggest nightmare among youth and middle aged men and women. In this article we are going to learn hair fall reason, hair fall control and hair fall solutions. Hair fall results in Baldness. Baldness is something which is attached with human emotions. Lets learn reason, control and available solutions for Baldness.
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Baldness |
Table Of Contents
What is Baldness?
Excessive hair loss from head in male and female is called Baldness. The amount of hair loss can vary from small portion on the head to entire body. Until unless we don't understand the root reason behind the hair loss it is bit difficult to cure. The medical term to refer Baldness is "Alopecia".Types of Baldness
In humans, two types of baldness occurs:
Frontal Baldness
In this kind of Baldness, hair fall from the front of the head (receding line).
Pattern Baldness
In this kind of Baldness, a pattern in hair loss is clearly observed. Pattern Baldness can be classified into following two categories.
Male pattern baldness
If the hair loss occurs at the temple of the head then this kind of baldness is known Male Pattern Baldness.
Female Pattern Baldness
If the hair loss occurs at the temple of the head of woman, then this kind of baldness is known as Female Pattern Baldness.
Causes of Baldness
Baldness can occur for various reasons. But primely it can be result of Hair Fall, Hair Loss and Thinning Hair.
Hair Fall, Hair Loss and Thinning Hair are different? Yes they are. Lets understand in detail.
What is Hair Fall?
Hair fall, is the phase where hair detaches from head or body and falls. It is natural and in general 50 to 100 hair falls each day. (Hair fall is different than hair loss and don't confuse). It occurs naturally because of the life cycle of the hair.
Life cycle of Hair
A hair has four life cycle.
1. Anagen Phase
In this phase, the hair grows. (1 cm per month). It grows from the papilla and remains for three to five years. The time period of staying in this stage is dependent upon genetics of human body.
2. Catagen Phase
This is the transitional phase for hairs. The hair detaches from pappila and rests for 10 to 15 days.
3. Telogen Phase
In this phase, a new hair appear while the old hair (which was detached from pappila in previous phase) is still resting.
4. Exogen Phase
In this phase, the new hair keep on growing while the old hair sheds and falls. Observation says, 10 to 15% hairs sheds each day.
So if you notice, hair fall each day(50-100 hairs) then no need to worry, this absolutely normal irrespective of the baldness condition.
Note: Hair fall is also known as "Normal Hair Loss" because it is normal in nature.
What to do for hair falls?
Hair fall is a natural process where after completing complete life cycle of hair, hair detaches from the scalp or body and sheds. We are not required to worry if the hair fall is less than 100 hairs or 150 hairs per day. (10 to 15 percent of total hair). However we can reduce down the hair fall by various ways.
How to stop Hair Fall?
Hair fall problem is something that is associated with human emotions. Excessive hair fall results in baldness and baldness is something noticed by others first. There are few effective ways through which we can stop hair fall.
To stop hair fall, first we need to look at the symptoms, then we need to find out the reason. Once we are aware of the reason behind it, then we can easily control the hair fall and also we can apply a proper solution.
Hair Fall Symptoms
If excess hair fall is occurring then it is not hair fall, it is hair loss. The easiest way to notice, after bath, look at the floor, are there excess hairs on the floor. And also check once you comb your hairs, look at the comb, how many shedded hairs are in the comb? If the total number of hairs appears less than 100 or ten to fifteen percent of hair then no need to worry. Other wise it means, you have severe hair loss.
Hair Fall Reasons
To understand hair fall reasons we must have to keep in mind the root reason behind hair fall.
Why does hair fall?
Hair has its own life cycle. Once the life cycle is completed then the hair is bound to fall. It is natural in nature. Study says 10 to 15% hair fall naturally each day. But if the number is beyond this, then there might be other factors causing the excess hair fall.
Excessive hair fall in a human can occur because of so many reasons. Such as exposure to pollutions. Acid rains (the rain when occurs in heavily polluted regions, the rain drop turns into acid which can damage skin, hair and visibility). Over consumption of alcohol can also cause severe hair fall.
Main Reason for hair fall
The main reason for hair fall is the age. With age, the hair fall increases. How ever sudden hair fall can be result of stress, exposure to acid rain and pollution or bad food diet.
Hair Fall Solutions:
If nothing helps to overcome such excess fall, then it is time to meet some doctor who specialises in hair. There are plenty clinics around the city and visiting can solve the issue. There are plenty of cream, oil are available in the market in the name of solutions to severe hair fall but in reality they appear helpless element.
Hair Fall Reasons
To understand hair fall reasons we must have to keep in mind the root reason behind hair fall.
Why does hair fall?
Hair has its own life cycle. Once the life cycle is completed then the hair is bound to fall. It is natural in nature. Study says 10 to 15% hair fall naturally each day. But if the number is beyond this, then there might be other factors causing the excess hair fall.
Excessive hair fall in a human can occur because of so many reasons. Such as exposure to pollutions. Acid rains (the rain when occurs in heavily polluted regions, the rain drop turns into acid which can damage skin, hair and visibility). Over consumption of alcohol can also cause severe hair fall.
Main Reason for hair fall
The main reason for hair fall is the age. With age, the hair fall increases. How ever sudden hair fall can be result of stress, exposure to acid rain and pollution or bad food diet.
Hair Fall Control
Once reason is identified, it hair fall can be easily controlled. If some one frequent traveller in heavy traffic then wearing cap can protect hair from exposure to pollution. If excess alcohol is the root reason then reducing down consumption can also help control severe hair fall. Bad food diet plays prime role in excess hair fall so changing food habit can control it.Hair Fall Solutions:
If nothing helps to overcome such excess fall, then it is time to meet some doctor who specialises in hair. There are plenty clinics around the city and visiting can solve the issue. There are plenty of cream, oil are available in the market in the name of solutions to severe hair fall but in reality they appear helpless element.
Tips to Reduce Hair Fall: Avoid Hard water to wash head. Borewell water, water from well are hard water in general. Use river water, water supplied by municipality are sweet water or soft water. They are good for head. If you apply oil on you head, then wash your head after one or two hours.
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What is Hair Loss?
There is difference between hair fall and hair loss. As mentioned above, hair has its own life cycle and once the life cycle completes then the hair sheds. The amount of hair sheds is 10% to 15% (50 to 100 hairs each day). But if the hair fall amount crosses this limit, then we say hair loss. Hair loss causes early baldness in human. Hairloss can occur for various reason. It is a disease. Disease can be cured with proper diagnosis. First we focus on symptoms, if symptoms confirm hair loss, then we need to identify the reason behind the severe hair loss, once severe hair loss is identified, then proper remedy can be applied.
What is the reason for hair loss?
Hair loss can occur because of so many reasons. Such as bad food diet, excess consumption of alcohol, stress, work pressure, smoking and poor caring of hairs. The silly reason that can also cause hair loss is usage of soap bar on head. Soap bars are meant for body and the chemicals present in soap bar can also damage hairs. There is another reason for hair loss is usage of cheap shampoo. Cheap shampoo add chemicals so that it would form sufficient foam on the head but in return it damages hair severely. Avoid such cheap shampoo.
What to do for hair loss?
Identify the reason for hair loss and take immediate action for it. If you are going through severe work pressure, then either try to change job or go through some medication program. Consult psychiatrist. Psychiatrist can suggest stress reducer medicines. If you travel in heavy traffic then wear cap. Pollution also causes excess hair loss. If you are using cheap shampoo then avoid it immediate. Visit hair doctor (dermatologist) and ask him/her to recommend a shampoo. If you have bad food diet, then change your food diet. Ask a nutritionist and follow healthy food time table. (The purpose here is to change habit and notice if it helps.)
Hair Loss Symptoms
In so many cases people scare for silly reason such as they spotted hairs in the sink of bathroom or they spotted hair on bed. Hair fall is natural in its nature. Every human goes through hair fall daily. Study says 10 to 15 % hair fall is natural and can not be avoided. So even before worrying for baldness, you must note the symptoms of the hair fall. If you notice hair fall more than the natural limit then it is matter of consideration. Observe how many hair falls daily. If it is more than 100 per day then it is clear symptom of severe hair loss. And also if you spot pattern baldness then its clear symptom of Hair loss.
Types of Hair Loss
There are four types of hair loss occur in general:
Frontal Hair Loss
In this type of Hair Loss, we spot baldness at the front of the head. The hair from the front regions sheds fast.
Pattern Hair Loss
There are two main pattern appear in Baldness
- Male Pattern Hair Loss: In this type of hair loss, the hair from temple region of head (men) sheds fast.
- Female Pattern Hair Loss: In this type of hair loss, the hair from temple region of head(Female) sheds fast.
Diffuse Hair Loss
In this type of hair loss, the hair sheds from top of head and causes baldness to occur on top of head. Diffuse hair loss occurs in both male and female.
Patchy Hair Loss
In this type of hair loss, the hair sheds near the temple of head and forms a coin shape. Such hair loss is known as Patchy Hair loss.
Dandruff and Hair Loss
Dandruff are result of dry dead cells in the the head. Dandruff can weaken the follicles and in return it causes hair shedding fast. It is wise to use chemical free anti dandruff shampoo. It helps to reduce down dandruff. Applying oil regularly on the scalp can help to reduce down the dandruff.
Thyroid Hair Loss
Thyroid disorder can lead to hair problem. It results in diffuse hair loss. By overcoming thyroid gland issues hair problem can be solved. Thyroid hair loss can occur in male and female.
Itchy scalp hair loss
Itchy Scalp can cause hair shedding fast. Scalp can be itchy if yeast is over grown on the skin of the head. It causes severe itching. Itching can damage follicles which in return causes baldness.
Hormonal Hair Loss
Hormonal Hair loss can occur in the case of hormonal disorder in body. It can occur in male and female both.
Frontal Hair Loss
In this type of Hair Loss, we spot baldness at the front of the head. The hair from the front regions sheds fast.
Pattern Hair Loss
There are two main pattern appear in Baldness
- Male Pattern Hair Loss: In this type of hair loss, the hair from temple region of head (men) sheds fast.
- Female Pattern Hair Loss: In this type of hair loss, the hair from temple region of head(Female) sheds fast.
Diffuse Hair Loss
In this type of hair loss, the hair sheds from top of head and causes baldness to occur on top of head. Diffuse hair loss occurs in both male and female.
Patchy Hair Loss
In this type of hair loss, the hair sheds near the temple of head and forms a coin shape. Such hair loss is known as Patchy Hair loss.
Causes of Hair Loss ( Reason )
Hair loss can be result of single or multiple reasons. Before going to opt some solution to over come the issue of hair problem, it is wise to know the hair loss causes.
Main reason for hair loss : Bad food diet, excess alcohol consumption, smoking, exposure to pollution, stress
The prime reason for hair loss can differ gender wise. Cause of hair loss in Men can be completely different than cause of hair loss in Women.
Causes of Hair Loss in Men
Most cases hair loss are hereditary. If there is record of forefathers being bald then chances are hair loss can occur at a very early stage in men. Sudden hair fall could also occur in men if shifted to some new place. Usage of hard water causes heavy hair loss in Men.
Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Hereditary hair loss also occurs in women. Apart from this, pregnancy also plays major role in hair loss in women. New place new climate can cause hair loss in women. New medication also causes hair loss in women. Pregnancy hair loss is common in most of the women. So doctors also suggest certain kind of shampoo to use in this pregnancy period. In certain women cases, hair loss occurs post pregnancy.
Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss
In Men and Women, hair loss can also occur because of deficiency of Vitamins. Vitamin D is essential for healthy follicles. Lack of vitamin D can cause follicles to become weak and which in return can make hair shedding faster. This can lead to early baldness. Apart from Vitamin D, other essential vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E. Apart from Vitamins, lack of Iron in blood can lead to hair fall.
So doctor often suggest multiple vitamin capsules along with iron tablets. (If you have severe hair loss issue, then approach a doctor and get prescribed medicines only).
Hair Loss due to stress
Stress causes hair loss and there are plenty of evidence in this regard. Today most people suffer through heavy work pressure. It leads to stress. Even failures results in depression and depression leads to stress. Stress is not good for not only hairs but also other human organs. So consulting psychiatrist can be very helpful. There are yoga, meditation camp they train to over come stress easily.
The prime reason for hair loss can differ gender wise. Cause of hair loss in Men can be completely different than cause of hair loss in Women.
Causes of Hair Loss in Men
Most cases hair loss are hereditary. If there is record of forefathers being bald then chances are hair loss can occur at a very early stage in men. Sudden hair fall could also occur in men if shifted to some new place. Usage of hard water causes heavy hair loss in Men.
Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Hereditary hair loss also occurs in women. Apart from this, pregnancy also plays major role in hair loss in women. New place new climate can cause hair loss in women. New medication also causes hair loss in women. Pregnancy hair loss is common in most of the women. So doctors also suggest certain kind of shampoo to use in this pregnancy period. In certain women cases, hair loss occurs post pregnancy.
Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss
In Men and Women, hair loss can also occur because of deficiency of Vitamins. Vitamin D is essential for healthy follicles. Lack of vitamin D can cause follicles to become weak and which in return can make hair shedding faster. This can lead to early baldness. Apart from Vitamin D, other essential vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E. Apart from Vitamins, lack of Iron in blood can lead to hair fall.
So doctor often suggest multiple vitamin capsules along with iron tablets. (If you have severe hair loss issue, then approach a doctor and get prescribed medicines only).
Hair Loss due to stress
Stress causes hair loss and there are plenty of evidence in this regard. Today most people suffer through heavy work pressure. It leads to stress. Even failures results in depression and depression leads to stress. Stress is not good for not only hairs but also other human organs. So consulting psychiatrist can be very helpful. There are yoga, meditation camp they train to over come stress easily.
Dandruff and Hair Loss
Dandruff are result of dry dead cells in the the head. Dandruff can weaken the follicles and in return it causes hair shedding fast. It is wise to use chemical free anti dandruff shampoo. It helps to reduce down dandruff. Applying oil regularly on the scalp can help to reduce down the dandruff.
Thyroid Hair Loss
Thyroid disorder can lead to hair problem. It results in diffuse hair loss. By overcoming thyroid gland issues hair problem can be solved. Thyroid hair loss can occur in male and female.
Itchy scalp hair loss
Itchy Scalp can cause hair shedding fast. Scalp can be itchy if yeast is over grown on the skin of the head. It causes severe itching. Itching can damage follicles which in return causes baldness.
Hormonal Hair Loss
Hormonal Hair loss can occur in the case of hormonal disorder in body. It can occur in male and female both.
How to prevent Hair loss?
One question that often swallow youth and middle aged men, how to stop hair loss. Hair loss prevention is matter of taking certain steps to save hairs. If you are wondering how to control hair loss or reduce hair loss, then by following few easy approaches can result in effective prevention.
- Wash hair with soft water or sweet water (Avoid Hard water)
- Wash hair regularly with chemical free shampoo
- Use organic shampoo available in the market
- Apply chemical free oil (Oil that are prepared traditional way at home can be beneficial) and wash after one to two hours.
- Comb hair five to ten times or more per day
- Avoid alcohol, smoking, junk food and non veg food. Eat sufficient organic food (half cooked). Avoid oily food.
- Check up vitamin deficiency and take vitamins accordingly. (Consult a doctor for this)
- Don't itch head with nail. Use comb.
- If you are applying color in hairs then go for chemical free organic colors for hair.
What is Thinning Hair?
Thinning Hair is another case which leads to baldness at early age. It occurs in male and female both. As we grow, the hair growth reduces down and causes thinning hair. It absolutely normal in human, to occur thin hair as age grows. But if the thinning hair occurs faster then it could result in early baldness.
Thinning Hair Men
Thinning hair can occur in Men at a very early age. There could be single or multiple reasons behind this. In common, hereditary or stress or genetics are root reasons.
Thinning Hair Women
Thinning hair in Women can also occur because of pregnancy or post pregnancy. In some cases hormonal disorder leads to thinning hair. In other cases pollution plays prime role in thin hair.
Thinning Hair Men
Thinning hair can occur in Men at a very early age. There could be single or multiple reasons behind this. In common, hereditary or stress or genetics are root reasons.
Thinning Hair Women
Thinning hair in Women can also occur because of pregnancy or post pregnancy. In some cases hormonal disorder leads to thinning hair. In other cases pollution plays prime role in thin hair.
What causes Thinning Hair?
The main reason behind thinning hair occurs because of hereditary condition. In male, it occurs as Male Pattern Thinning Hair and in female, it occurs as Female Pattern Thinning hair. In this condition, the hair from temple of head(both in Male and female) gradually sheds. A clear baldness can be visible at this region.
Reasons for Thinning Hair
Life style habits, junk food, excess alcohol consumption, exposure to acid rain or pollution can result in thinning hair. Applying colors, hair gels, sprays on hairs can also lead to thinning hair. In other cases lack of vitamin can result in thinning hair.
Note: We in general believe hair fall, hair loss and thinning hair are same but in reality they are different in nature.
What to do for thinning hair?
Certain practice can help to overcome thinning hair issue. First of all stop worrying. Thinning hair solutions are dependent upon right approach towards hair. Keep following points in mind.
- Hair has life cycle. Once life cycle completes hair is going to shed from head.
- 10% to 15% of hair falls each day. So it is not the case of thinning hair.
- If hair loss occurs beyond this limit then it is the case of thinning hair.
- If thinning hair occurred, then change shampoo, use organic shampoo that are easily available in the market.
- Use oil daily and wash hairs after one to two hours.
- Avoid junk food, smoking and alcohol.
- Meditate regularly.
- Keep self stress free.
- Watch movies those make you laugh.
- Speak soft, speak less it can help to reduce down stress.
- Avoid too much thinking.
Vitamins for Thinning Hairs
Vitamin D is the prime vitamin for healthy hair growth. But along with Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and iron are essential to overcome thinning hair issue.
Baldness Solutions
Baldness can be cured depending upon the reason that caused the heavy severe hair loss. In certain case we can stop the excess hair loss, while in other case we may not able to stop the hair loss. So we may go for some other solution to overcome the baldness problem.
Hair Loss Solutions
The first situation in baldness is hair loss. There are following few effective ways we can reduce down or stop hair loss.
Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil helps in growing hair fast. It reduces hair fall and increase the follicles strength.
Lemon Water: Consuming few drops of lemon in warm water (no salt, no sugar) can help fast blood purification which helps in reducing down hair problems.
Neem Leaf: Neem leaf juice helps in increasing the strength of immune system. And also benefits hair growth.
Aloe Vera: By aloe vera regularly in a gap of ten days or fifteen, it soothes the scalp and increases strength of hair.
Cumin Seed powder: Consuming cumin seed powder with butter milk can help to increase strength of digestive system of the body. Good digestive system is good carrier of necessary vitamins to the cells of the body. It helps to overcome hair problems.
Coconut Oil: Not the company one. The one which is prepared at home. Thankfully plenty video on youtube is available to prepare coconut oil at home. Massaging that home made coconut oil can help to reduce down hair falls.
Viviscal: Natural hair growth supplement. Applying regularly, it can help to reduce down the damage.
Fish Oil: Fish oils are good source of Vitamin D. Applying fish oil in foods can also help to stop the loss at high level. Fish oil contains fatty acids which provides strength to hairs.
Onion Juice: Patchy Hairloss people can use onion juice to reduce the loss. The only problem with onion juice is its stinky smell which dont go well even after bath.
Amla: Amla has the potential to boost immunity power of body. Good immune system in a human body can stop hair loss and can also help to grow hair fast.
Bhringraj: It is a powerful product which is available naturally and is absolutely suitable to protect hair damages. Most company which provide hair care products, they have included bhringraj. Even today also in Villages across India, people massage their scalp with bhringraj oils.
Shikakai: A powerful organic natural shampoo. Soak fifteen minutes crushed shikakai in warm water then wash head. It will not only clean the scalp but also going to kill all the yeasts formed on the skin, strengthen follicles and helps in hair thickening.
Reetha: Commonly known as soapnuts. It is another powerful hair cleansing shampoo available in the nature. The process is same. Add crushed reetha in warm water and then wash head. It will clean the hair and help in protecting damage of hairs.
Methi: Methi or fenugreek seeds also helps to strengthen follicles. Soak in warm water for half an hour and then prepare a fine paste. Apply in hair. Leave it for two hours. Then wash with some natural shampoo.
Note: It is always best to consult a doctor and follow medications. The following medications is only for informational purpose.
Hair Loss vitamins: Lack of Vitamin D is primary reason behind frequent severe heavy hair loss. But apart from vitamin D, lack of Vitamin A, lack of Vitamin B, lack of Vitamin C, lack of Vitamin E can also be prime reason for hair fall. So after examining which vitamin is lacking in the body, then consuming the vitamin can benefit. (Note: Excess of vitamin can lead to new health related problems. So consult doctor and follow guidelines accordingly)
Biotin for Hair loss: Biotin is one of the several vitamins which plays main role in reducing down baldness and help grow in thick healthy hair.
Minoxidil (Rogaine): It comes as liquid and some company provide it as foam. We need to gently apply on the scalp. (Before buying this liquid, consult the doctor and follow instructions accordingly)
Finasteride (Propecia): It is a drug. It comes in the form of pills. It is for men only. It slows down the process of hair fall. (Before buying this liquid, consult the doctor and follow instructions accordingly)
Apart from natural remedies, Ayurvedic treatment and medication, we have laser treatment option to stop hairloss and increase hair thickness. Laser Treatment is available for both men and women. The probelm with laser treatment, before going this treatment, we must have to go through certain medical checkups. If all the results appear positive then only one can go through laser treatment. Study says, laser treatment is turned out to reduce down hair loss and increased in thickening hair.
Natural Remedies for Hair Loss
Massage: Massaging scalp can help to reduce down dandruff formation. Massaging with oil can also help to stimulate the scalp and help in growing hair thickness.Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil helps in growing hair fast. It reduces hair fall and increase the follicles strength.
Lemon Water: Consuming few drops of lemon in warm water (no salt, no sugar) can help fast blood purification which helps in reducing down hair problems.
Neem Leaf: Neem leaf juice helps in increasing the strength of immune system. And also benefits hair growth.
Aloe Vera: By aloe vera regularly in a gap of ten days or fifteen, it soothes the scalp and increases strength of hair.
Cumin Seed powder: Consuming cumin seed powder with butter milk can help to increase strength of digestive system of the body. Good digestive system is good carrier of necessary vitamins to the cells of the body. It helps to overcome hair problems.
Coconut Oil: Not the company one. The one which is prepared at home. Thankfully plenty video on youtube is available to prepare coconut oil at home. Massaging that home made coconut oil can help to reduce down hair falls.
Viviscal: Natural hair growth supplement. Applying regularly, it can help to reduce down the damage.
Fish Oil: Fish oils are good source of Vitamin D. Applying fish oil in foods can also help to stop the loss at high level. Fish oil contains fatty acids which provides strength to hairs.
Onion Juice: Patchy Hairloss people can use onion juice to reduce the loss. The only problem with onion juice is its stinky smell which dont go well even after bath.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss
Ayurvedic has plenty information on hair loss prevention and the guidance helps to protect hairs. According to Ayurved following available organic products can help to reduce down the loss of hairs and can also help grow / regrow hair fast.Amla: Amla has the potential to boost immunity power of body. Good immune system in a human body can stop hair loss and can also help to grow hair fast.
Bhringraj: It is a powerful product which is available naturally and is absolutely suitable to protect hair damages. Most company which provide hair care products, they have included bhringraj. Even today also in Villages across India, people massage their scalp with bhringraj oils.
Shikakai: A powerful organic natural shampoo. Soak fifteen minutes crushed shikakai in warm water then wash head. It will not only clean the scalp but also going to kill all the yeasts formed on the skin, strengthen follicles and helps in hair thickening.
Reetha: Commonly known as soapnuts. It is another powerful hair cleansing shampoo available in the nature. The process is same. Add crushed reetha in warm water and then wash head. It will clean the hair and help in protecting damage of hairs.
Methi: Methi or fenugreek seeds also helps to strengthen follicles. Soak in warm water for half an hour and then prepare a fine paste. Apply in hair. Leave it for two hours. Then wash with some natural shampoo.
Hair Loss Medication
Medicines can help to reduce down the loss of hairs.Note: It is always best to consult a doctor and follow medications. The following medications is only for informational purpose.
Hair Loss vitamins: Lack of Vitamin D is primary reason behind frequent severe heavy hair loss. But apart from vitamin D, lack of Vitamin A, lack of Vitamin B, lack of Vitamin C, lack of Vitamin E can also be prime reason for hair fall. So after examining which vitamin is lacking in the body, then consuming the vitamin can benefit. (Note: Excess of vitamin can lead to new health related problems. So consult doctor and follow guidelines accordingly)
Biotin for Hair loss: Biotin is one of the several vitamins which plays main role in reducing down baldness and help grow in thick healthy hair.
Minoxidil (Rogaine): It comes as liquid and some company provide it as foam. We need to gently apply on the scalp. (Before buying this liquid, consult the doctor and follow instructions accordingly)
Finasteride (Propecia): It is a drug. It comes in the form of pills. It is for men only. It slows down the process of hair fall. (Before buying this liquid, consult the doctor and follow instructions accordingly)
Laser Treatment for Hair Loss
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Laser Treatment for Hair Loss |
Hair Growth: How to grow hair faster?
If we are in the initial stage of baldness (20% to 30 % hair is lost), then by so many ways we can grow hair faster. One of the easies way is to use organic natural shampoo to clean hair and scalp. Consume enough hair grow supplements. Avoid junky foods. There are medicines available to help strengthening follicles.
Hair Regrowth: How to regrow hair?
If hair loss has caused thinning hair, then by following easy home remedies, natural remedies and ayurvedic remedies we can help in fast regrow of hair. Certain ayurvedic company are providing shampoos. Their shampoos and oils can help in fast regrow of hairs.
Hair Transplant
If more than 70% hair is lost, then it would be wise to go for hair transplant.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair Transplant is a technique using which doctors weave hair in the sculpt. It is turning out preferred option to have hair on the head. It is best option over hair wig which is temporary.
Hair Fall Reason, Hair Fall Control and Hair Fall Solutions
Reviewed by Pixel Stream
June 14, 2019

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