What is Encephalitis (chamki fever) which caused 110 children death in Bihar?

June 17, 2019: Encephalitis (Chamki Fever) has caused severe death issues in Bihar. 110 children died in Bihar recently. Encephalitis is an Inflammation of the brain tissue. It generally occurs because of viral infections. In some rare case it can be caused by bacteria. Two types encephalitis exist: Primary and Secondary.

Encephalitis Chamki Fever

Primary Encephalitis occurs when a virus directly infects the brain and spinal chord.

Secondary Encephalitis occurs when an infection starts elsewhere in the body and then travels to brain.

Encephalitis is rare disease in India. But recent case in Bihar, has become nightmare of doctors and Goverment as well. 110 children lost their life because of this.

These children were admitted to the hospitals immediate after consumption of Lychee fruit. Soon after these children slipped in to the arms of death. Initial investigation revealed Encephalitis is the prime reason behind these deaths.

Encephalitis is not something common in India. It is rarest to rare disease but despite this how could such large number children get effected and released their last breath has become the main matter of concern for Indian Medical Association (IMA). Immediate, IMA has formed a team and sent to Bihar to investigate the matter further in detail and find out the root cause behind it.

Encephalitis or Acute Encephalitis Syndrome are observed in the victims body. This is characterized as acute-onset of fever. It primarily changes mental status. Mental status such as Mental Confusion, Disorientation, Delirium or coma. This disease commonly affects children and young adults.

Symptoms of Encephalitis

- High fever
- Headache
- Sensitivity to light
- Stiff neck and back
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- In severe cases, seizures, paralysis and coma

The main virus which is responsible for Encephalitis is Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV). It is a mosquito-borne flavivirus and belongs to the same genus as dengue, yellow fever, and West Nile viruses. The treatment is focused on over coming infection.

Encephalitis Treatment

Encephalitis Treatment

Patient is kept in the Intensive Care Unit or ICU. With anti-inflammatory drugs (Acetaminophen,Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sodium), the headache can be reduced and also control on temperature can be settled. In general, the case is resolved with in few days but in rare case it may take few weeks.

What is Encephalitis (chamki fever) which caused 110 children death in Bihar? What is Encephalitis (chamki fever) which caused 110 children death in Bihar? Reviewed by Pixel Stream on June 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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